Community matters

In addition to my work at Pacific Tap Cleaning, I have also partnered with three charitable organizations that I am actively serving. My business is not simply about the bottom line, it’s about connecting communities of good people from all backgrounds in an effort to give back to the community and honor those who have sacrificed at home and abroad.

Six people smiling giving thumbs up

Giving Back

Annual events and retreats

a couple of men sitting next to each other

Swing for Dreams

The Creating Memories for Disabled Children charity was started to connect both children and adults in Oregon with disabilities in to nature and create memories that will last for a lifetime. I’ve taken the lead on a project called Swing for Dreams– an annual golf tournament created to raise money for our charity and to ensure that children with special needs have access to the resources they need to lead healthy and happy lives.

Star Badge

Lt. Ernie Brown Annual Memorial Salmon Fishing Trip

To honor the memory of former Deschutes County Sheriff’s officer, Ernie Brown, who tragically died in a motorcycle accident in 2022, I collaborated with a team of local people to start a yearly fishing trip for veterans and first responders to support one another, their families, and the memories of those we’ve lost.

United States

Marine Corps Unit Reunions

Having served in the Marines, I found it crucial to connect with other Marine veterans to give them and myself much needed R&R and peer-to-peer healing time. Each year over the last decade, I have organized and coordinated these reunions for Marines and Corpsmen as a way to say thank you and to provide the support needed to feel healthy and functional.

Sponsor a veteran, disabled child or first responder

Giving Back Outdoors is dedicated to creating memorable experiences for veterans, first responders, youth and individuals with mobility issues through a variety of outdoor activities. Join Pacific Tap Cleaning and Giving Back Outdoors to make these experiences possible.

Schedule Your Beer line Cleaning today

We are ready to help keep your draft beer lines clean and flowing perfectly.

a beer being poured into a glass